Meet Austrian JCI Senators at our Annual Meeting and join the Kick-Off Event to our new initiative „Friends of Senate“!
New schedule: 18th November 2019
17:00-19:00 Annual Meeting
19:00-20:15 Friends-Of-Senate Kick-Off with President of the Federal Chamber of Commerce Harald Mahrer
20:15-… Get-Together
Location: Federal Chamber of Commerce
– Annual Meeting: 1st Level Meeting Room (tba)
– Kick-Off Friends of Senate: Christoph Leitl Lounge (former Sky-Lounge)
Thank you for registration to Felix Krebs (, +43 664/340 43 68).
Agenda Annual Meeting:
- Greetings and Introduction
- Report of Activities
- Report of the association
- Election of the president and board 2020 (Nomination of candidates to Felix Krebs (, +43 664/340 43 68)
- News about Junior Chamber